So it's been a couple of weeks now, but I wanted to report to the Internet community that I am no longer living in what we have so fondly come to know less as "The Coralville Cottage" and more as "The Dump!" Not gonna lie, I really did love the place for most of the two years I lived there. Let's take a trip down memory lane, shall we?
My bedroom on my first night in Iowa |
The other side of my room that first night |
Pre-moving in kitchen |
Still not totally sure what was holding the place together! |
Don't you love the concept of straight lines?! |
One of my bat friends! This was the first one... not the one that tried to assassinate me! It should also be noted that, while packing up to leave the apartment, I found a dead bat in the mud room. So happy to be living in a bat-free environment!!! |
And an adorable picture of Gracie, for good measure! |
This was the last straw! I was cooking chicken, and I went to go check on it to suddenly find the handle only half attached to the oven. This image was the moment where the Coralville Cottage lost its charm! |
This guy is my "little" brother, and he was my hero! I went home a week before the move, and he came back to Coralville with me to help me pack up before moving day! I don't know what I would've done without him! |
The plan was to pack both my library and my bags in one fell swoop... however I underestimated the volume of my library. It worked for half of it! |
Here's the other half! |
One last picture of the outside of the place... Again, notice the awesome lines! |
It echoed like crazy in there when it was empty! |
The move was only a few blocks, but I'm living in an actual apartment complex now rather than the triplex type situation, and that part has its ups and downs. The parking lot is nice as opposed to the gravel alley-way between two buildings (or rather, the parking lot will be nice as soon as the contractors quit tearing up the concrete and changing where we can park!). They also spray for bugs once a month! After two years of living with cockroaches, I'm pretty stoked about that part! The noise is a down-side, Gracie and I keep hearing our neighbors which is a new phenomenon for us, and we also live between the railroad tracks and the police and fire stations. There are also contractors on the roof outside our window yelling at each other in Spanish.
We also live on the third floor. I'm not going to lie, living without stairs for two years probably spoiled me a bit! However, I also live next door to a *drum roll, please* Laundry Facility! Seriously, we are right next door to the laundry room! Granted, it costs quarters, but no more scrambling to hand-wash work shirts on the weekends!
In addition to the laundry room, we also have a dishwasher! Not to mention flat floors and right angles! The new bathtub is smaller than my old one, but it's actually sealed into the wall, everything is level, and I can take a bubble bath without an audience of ants!
Gracie and I have also been enjoying the companionship of our new roommates! My new roomie is super sweet, and I love just hanging out and chatting with her! We have already eaten together a couple of times and enjoyed a chick-flick with another girl friend of ours, and I'm looking forward to at least two years with her! The more we get to know each other, the more convinced I am that this was a match made in Heaven!
Gracie's adjustment has been slightly less seamless. She also has to get used to a new roomie--a gray and white one with stunning green eyes named Kitty. Both Gracie and Kitty have been only-cats for a while, so they're still working out what to think of each other. My roomie and I joke that they are probably besties while we're gone during the day, even though there is a little hissing involved when we're home. But Kitty has been rubbing off on Gracie a bit, Gracie now plays with toys (which she refused to do before, in favor of pony-tail holders and plastic bags tied in knots), and she's slowly starting to warm up to the idea of kitty treats (the ones that my roomie refers to as "glorified cat food"). She loves exploring, especially late at night of course. I woke up this morning to find my roomie's Wii controller in the middle of my bedroom floor. There have also been some surprises with Gracie's transition, ranging from the very first hiss I've ever heard out of her to her new discovery of drinking out of the toilet. She's a crazy kitty, but that's why I love her! And I think over all, both of us are much happier in our new home!
I'm still in the process of unpacking, so we've still got some boxes going on all over the place. I would show you pictures, but most of them are up-and-down, and alas, I don't know how to make Blogger rotate them :( But rest assured, it's a pretty awesome place! God has provided yet again, and I'm ready to tackle this new chapter of my adventures here in Iowa City!
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