Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Taking a Stand

I've been feeling bombarded on Facebook the past couple of days by the fairly obvious controversy at hand, and was thus going to write a long blog post outlining why I believe what I believe about homosexuality just because the atmosphere seemed to demand me to take a stand, but honestly I'm not that interested in arguing.  If you're interested in a polite, respectful dialogue about my beliefs, I'd be happy to chat.  But the moral of the story is that I am a Christian, and I believe that homosexuality is wrong.

I don't care about what the politicians decide at this point.  I've cast my vote, so it's out of my hands now.  I don't care about "winning" or anything like that.  Besides, with the end times so near at hand, I am fully prepared for things to get worse before they get better, particularly on the political front.  If you want to know where I stand, I don't want homosexual marriages legalized because of my belief that it is wrong.  I know that heterosexual marriages in America today don't do much for the "value of marriage" that we conservatives like to talk about a lot, but adding more wrong to something that is broken doesn't fix anything, it just makes it worse.  But if homosexual marriages are made legal, I also know that nobody is going to die.  Besides, people who don't have salvation through Christ are not--and should not be--held to the same moral standards as Christians, which is fine.  I'm no better or worse than anyone.  I wish that more people could have a relationship with the Creator of the universe who is the God of my salvation and who I've seen do such great and awesome things, but it's everyone's personal choice.

The part that breaks my heart is seeing so many people who claim to be followers of Christ condoning sin and insisting that people like me are being judgmental, hating bigots.  I know that many Christians have, and some still do, approach homosexuality in such a fashion, and that also breaks my heart, but the vast majority of the Christians you and I come in contact with every day do not.  I do not judge people because "they sin differently than I do," I simply know that all have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God, myself included.  Just because we all sin doesn't mean we can just go for it and keep it up.  "May it never be!" as far as Paul was concerned.

A popular argument in favor of homosexuality is that they didn't choose it.  To that, I say that I didn't choose my sin, either.  I was born with a mental, emotional, and psychological bend towards an eating disorder.  I didn't choose to be anorexic,  but I was a textbook case for almost a year.  The choice came when I understood that what I was doing was wrong and chose to want God more than I wanted control over food.  I know that's tough to grasp if you've never had an eating disorder before, but anorexia for me was a friend that I could trust in a time when I didn't have very many, and choosing to want God more was--and still is during tough times--a daily battle for me.  It was a part of my identity.  A lesbian friend of mine once argued that "God doesn't make junk," but I would add to her statement.  Our human, sinful nature makes junk.  God redeems junk.  I've been on a road that has taught me that.  Recognizing that you were born with that kind of sin component hard-wired isn't easy, and choosing to deny that part of yourself is even more difficult, but the gate is wide and the way is broad that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter through it.  For the gate is small and the way is narrow that leads to life, and there are few who find it (Matthew 7:13-14).

By definition, the road I've chosen is a difficult and, at times, also a lonely one.  The stand that I am taking right now in this blog post is a difficult one, because I know that I have many friends who will not only disagree with me, but will also attack me for it.  I know I'm putting myself out there and just asking for more of those comments about how I'm judging, how I'm hating, how I'm being a hypocrite.  I've heard them all, and I know that I am most likely about to hear them all again once I post this, but I can take it.  I'm on the narrow path.

Besides, I say all of this to my dearly beloved brothers and sisters in Christ.

Christians, I challenge you: Love the sinner, love the sinner with all your heart because your Lord and Savior does.  He lived a perfect life and died a brutal, criminal's death to pay for anorexia, homosexuality, idolatry, dishonesty, every sin that you or I or anyone else has ever committed, and then defeated sin, death, and darkness, as we are so timely celebrating this week!

But it's okay to disagree with the sin.  Take a stand for Truth, because without it you have nowhere to stand at all.


  1. Kaycee, thank you for pouring your heart out.
    would you say that it is wrong for one to live by love and accept those that want to marry the one they are in love with even if it is same sex?
    I know a few christians who are gay and whom believe god would not condone same sex marriage. What is sad and so confusing is knowing there are christians who believe the above and then there are christians who believe that marrying the same sex or loving the same sex is a sin.

    I know that we are to love the sinner but hate the sin and so would the "sin" be accepting gay marriage?

  2. Did not mean "condone". I know christians who believe god is okay with gay marriage.

  3. I think we are called to accept and love those who are homosexual, because they really aren't any different from anyone else. I have a lot of friends, many of whom are Christians, who are homosexual. They know where I stand, and for the most part we have agreed to disagree because it's between them and God. I've done my part, and if God wants to use my words sometime later on down the road, then He can.

    I do believe that loving someone of the same gender in a marriage context is wrong. I can love other women with all my heart, I can develop deep, special, meaningful relationships with them. I can live with female roommates and have sleep-overs with other females. But I believe that sex and romantic love were created to exist between a man and a woman.

    I think that homosexuality is a sin. I don't have a Bible verse off of the top of my head that says that it's a sin not to fight every form of sin that you encounter in the people around you, but I think that--with this topic especially--many Christians have stepped away from the Bible and chosen to side with the world that insists that this particular sin should be accepted as a good thing.

    I'm not so convicted that condoning homosexuality is a sin as much as I am that homosexuality itself is a sin, I'm just discouraged that so many Christians today are abandoning Truth and selling out to society.

    Sorry if that rambled a bit, did I at least answer your question? ;)

  4. What is scary is that those who are christians and are homosexual, live their lives thinking that God hears their prayers and that God is okay with them and will allow them into Heaven when in all actuality he will not.

    I am no better. I too have a lot of issues that I need to deal with if I want God to hear my prayers. I especially need to throw the whole "beautiful wedding" idea out the window seeing as I will not have the money ANY time soon, therefore I need to simply have a court wedding.

  5. I don't know if I'd go so far as to say that God won't hear their prayers or allow them into Heaven. I think homosexuality is a sin, just like every other sin. Just like my eating disorder. God didn't stop listening to me, and He wouldn't have barred me from Heaven had I not gotten past it. Sin does hinder our relationship with God, but if you understand that it is indeed sin--if the Holy Spirit convicts you of it and you try to choose God over the desires of the flesh--it doesn't completely sever your relationship with Him. That's what Jesus died for.

  6. Unless they repent and turn to God they will not enter into heaven it states in "Do you not know that the wicked will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: Neither the sexually immoral nor idolaters nor adulterers nor male prostitutes nor homosexual offenders nor thieves nor the greedy nor drunkards nor slanderers nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God." -1 Cor 6:9, NIV

    An eating disorder, yes, is a sin but it is not something God would keep you out of heaven for but if one is a prostitute, adultery, homosexual, drunkard etc that is listed and DOES NOT REPENT and turn from their sin, they will not enter heaven. :/
