Saturday, October 6, 2012

God is SOOOOOO good!

 I'm trying to come up with some witty and entertaining way to start this off, but alas, I've got nothin'! I was going to post this story on Facebook, but decided that it was too long to fit in a status! For any of my readers who aren't on Facebook, I was coming home for the weekend last night and got into a car wreck. Gracie Lynn and I walked away... The car didn't.

God loves Him some Pancakes!!!

Traffic in the right lane of I-80 in Council Bluffs was backed up.  I got stopped... That Ryder truck in the top picture didn't.  He hit me, it looks like I spun and caught the back of his truck with my passenger door, and slammed into the gaurd rail, which pushed my trunk into my back seat.  The first woman (I think) who came to my car helped me get Gracie out, we had a tough time though because the passenger door was folded in over her kennel.  The kennel as well as the cat in it, miraculously, were totally fine.  A couple of guys at the scene had to pull me out of the passenger window.  When the police showed up, one of them asked me if my registration and such was in my glove box.  My answer: "Yes... Wherever the glove box is."  It was on the floor in the passenger compartment.  I had glass in my teeth.

My new friends at the scene called my Dad (for a while I couldn't find my phone... or my glasses, which were on my face at impact.  Still don't know where that police officer found them, but they're in one piece!), and he pretty much broke the sound barrier getting to me.  Hi, Daddy!  I haven't seen you in over a month, and now you get to come and get me 'cuz my car is a tin can.  I love my Daddy!

I whacked my head on something or other, still not sure what, so an EMT checked me out and gave me the choice on whether or not I wanted to go to the hospital.  This was before Dad got there and long before I was certain of which way was up, but I figured I was good, just uber shaky.  I may have been slightly concussed, but my brain still seems to be in one functional piece!  Well, it's no worse than it was before the accident anyway!

I've got lots of bruises on my legs that I'm not totally sure what exactly from, and a lump on my shin that I'm still waiting for it to turn lots of fascinating colors.  I've got some cuts on my right hand, after some thought I finally realized that they're probably because I threw out my arm to catch Gracie and keep her safe in the seat when the truck hit me.  And I've got a purple lip.  And I'm pretty sore pretty much everywhere.  But God is SOOOOO good!  God is so powerfully, lovingly, mercifully good!  It was crazy looking at the car after I started to chill out, it's still crazy seeing the pictures.  And I walked away from that in one piece!  And just because He could: even my guitar walked away in one piece!  It was painfully out of tune, but totally unscathed!

Impact was around 9:30, we got home around 11:30.  I calmed down enough to start hurting around 12:30, and finally got comfortable enough to fall asleep around 2.  And my darned internal clock woke me up at 6:45.  I am forseeing a nap in today's future!  Today also holds a visit to my mom's doctor/chiropracter friend and then a trip to the impound lot so they can cut my car open and get the rest of my stuff out... like my month's worth of laundry trapped in the trunk.  After that, we have to figure out what in the world I'm gonna drive back to Iowa City.  And do some hard-core talking-up of the Blondie because I don't particularly want to drive ANYWHERE right now!  (Of course that'll be fine, I probably just need to hurry up and get behind the wheel at some point today and I'll be okay there.)

All of this to say, thank you to everybody for your concerns and especially your prayers!  I am alive and in tact and okay and praising God!  Please keep praying, I'm still really sore and a little shook up.  Pray for our sudden car-hunt as we scramble for transportation back to Iowa City on Sunday (unless I'm still this sore, then I might go ahead and call into work sick and go back Monday).  Gracie was pretty scared too, but she spent some quality time with my dad while I was in the jet bath last night and appears to be just fine :) .  Everyone else walked away from the accident too... a couple of younger guys were cut up a little and I never saw the truck driver, but I'm told that he walked away too.  So please pray that God is glorified in what happened last night for as many people involved as possible.

God is SOOOOOOOO good!