Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Wonderful World of... Homework.

I think I was just doomed from the day I was born: my life was simply destined to be dominated by homework. A math test, working on a paper for my computer class, a test and a paper in Psychology... my weekend was eaten before it began.

Unfortunately, the sources for the psychology paper have to be primarily journals. My topic is human creativity as it relates to self-expression. And the school's data bases hate me. Upon the very rare occasion that I actually find something that remotely pertains to my topic, well, it's a journal. Have you ever tried to read one of those, seriously? Eyes bugging, jaw dropping, yawning, must... pay... attention... wait, what language was that? Seriously, you've got these people who live in universities trying to describe creativity in the least creative ways possible. And they aren't even giving me the information that I need.

I got the computer paper to the point to where I can leave it alone for the moment, and studying for the tests won't be difficult, just time-consuming. Psychology is open-note (which is code talk for read the question, find the answer in the notes, move to question 2 and repeat, and still finish an hour early. I love psychology!), and my math teacher is one of the best math teachers on the face of the planet... and coming from me, that's saying quite a bit. Math and I do not get along.

All of this being said, I hope to blog again in the very near future... and it will be something creative, bizarre, off-the-wall, fascinating, entertaining, and sparkly! Why sparkly you ask? Well, I'm not really sure, it just sounded like a good idea at the time. Not to mention that nothing academic is sparkly, so it will be a relief when I finally finish all of this homework!

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