Sunday, September 13, 2009

Need to Read!

A good writer must also be a good reader. It's the same as the principle of "garbage in, garbage out," in a way. To be an effective artist with the written word, one must take in the written word, see how others use their craft. It's like a child listening to others speak in order to learn how the sounds form words, an apprentice watching his master work, or Christians studying the Bible together in order to sharpen each other.

Unfortunately, homework dominates my life. Over the past couple years, I haven't been reading nearly as much as a good writer should. I decided that I was going to read a lot over the summer... but I ended up job searching instead. I got the Twilight series (Stephanie Meyer) read, I get credit for that, right? I also just started Pride and Prejudice (Jane Austin). Next comes Host (Stephanie Meyer), Inkheart (Cornelia Funke), and Black (Ted Dekker), obviously followed by the rest of the series since Ted Dekker tends to have that affect on me. Then I'd like to read some Shakespeare and then get into some more of the classics...

Not to mention that I am considering joining a book club through the local library. Now that I am no longer in high school where I see my friends and close acquaintances every day, I am discovering that I don't socialize enough anymore. It's time for the ever-so-quiet Kaycee to get out there and meet new people; what better way than through a book club?

Any other books that every writer should read? If you come up with one, let me know! Perhaps some day I'll be able to read as much as I need to.

1 comment:

  1. ummm lets see.... for plays, which are also a must for good writers as you can see the character developement and you can learn a ton from that, go with macbeth, a dolls house, aaaaaaaand Homer's stuff is great too.
