Sunday, October 9, 2011

A Mother's Conundrum

I am the proud mother of a novel going through some intensive editing, a WIP that's being a little stubborn but I'm sure will grow out of it... And an evil stepchild of a NaNoWriMo idea that I'm trying to relinquish custody of so I can have a better one.

For those of you who may not know, NaNoWriMo stands for National Novel Writing Month. It takes place from November 1 to November 30, and the goal is to write a novel at least 50,000 words long (we're talking 1,667 words every day for an entire month! It's intense!). You're allowed to prewrite the crap out of your story, but you can't write a word of the actual novel until November 1.

It was a decent idea that I was trying to work with, but I'm just not feeling it. It was kind of forced from the start, and it's just too close to nonfiction for my liking at the moment. Not to mention that my original inspiration grew out of the developmental phase that inspired the idea in the first place (sidenote: I still love my new job!). But at the moment, I'm working with my two other paper-and-ink children, I can't just abandon them, push them away and tell them to wait! You know uncompleted novels, they just don't understand!

But at the same time, November is just a few short weeks away, and if I can get a workable idea going on, I think I have a shot at it this year!

*head, desk*

So, I'm off to sift through some old notebooks and documents coated in technological dust deep in the back files of my hard drive, do several more writing prompts, and hope to have something I can work with soon!

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